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Ferdinand A Kovacic | +43-664-169-1903 |

Kovacic Consulting is an Independent Service Boutique which focuses on integrating business | work model development with organisational development in a balanced, economical, and pragmatic way. Special attention is paid to global competencies in general and to capabilities when working with and in emerging | developing markets in specific. A passion of mine is the youth-elder nexus, merging generational diversity of capabilities and thereby enhancing enjoyment as well as productivity on both sides.

I do perform analysis work, support with consultancy, and accompany short-term projects and long-term initiatives in the various “dimensions of organisations” of strategy, organisation, culture, leadership + team development, innovation, and operational excellence. The overall approach is based on three short reflections (1-3) and one key principle (4):


Delivering results means effectively bridging the full 360° cycle from initial diagnosis to final delivery. Much good intent and strategic an innovation work fails in the execution phase. Reasonable investments into pro-active “boundary spanning”, i.e. the thoughtful orchestration and alignment of resources and organisational capabilities across “silos” – together with honest feedback loops – are critical.

Effectiveness arises not solely from optimising single parts, but from improving relationships amongst them. A careful (sometimes even “down”) scaling and matching of projects and initiatives, proper pacing and timing can help avoid negative feedback loops. Quite often, less is actually more. This, however, requires a culture of shared understanding and mutuality.

Working off the project or the initiative is not sufficient. Developing permanent and long-term internal capabilities needs to take place simultaneously, rather rapidly, in an economical way and based on immediate needs. This is best done (a) project-based and (b) within the framework of a strategic and modular “curriculum” (for a mock-up see Academy). Material attention should go to methodological abilities directed at exploration, organising connectivity and interdependencies, and dealings with dynamics.

In the face of increasingly limited global resources we need to engage in mutually workable compromises continuously and deliberately: what type and shape of a common future can assure long-term sustainability and safety for all of us. How we approach and solve this is as much a question of our idea of man and nature as, say, one of technological advancements. My target group are hence principled and constructively critical leaders at all levels and their teams who care about delivering organisational and business results as well as about contributing to “Total Impact”.

[TOGGEL Kovacic Consulting] I operate – and continue building – an Independent Service Boutique which focuses on integrating business | work model development with organisational development in a balanced, economical, and pragmatic way. Special attention is paid to global competencies in general and to capabilities when working with and in emerging | developing markets in specific. A passion of mine is the youth-elder nexus, merging generational diversity of capabilities and thereby enhancing enjoyment as well as productivity on both sides.

I do perform analysis work, support with consultancy, and accompany short-term projects and long-term initiatives in the various “dimensions of organisations” of strategy, organisation, culture, leadership + team development, innovation, and operational excellence. The overall approach is based on three reflections (1-3) and one principle (4):

[vc_toggle title=”360 Degree” custom_font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” custom_use_theme_fonts=”yes” use_custom_heading=”true”]Delivering results means effectively bridging the full 360° cycle from initial diagnosis to final delivery. Much good intent and strategic work fails in the execution phase. Reasonable investments into active “boundary spanning”, i.e. the thoughtful orchestration and alignment of resources across “silos”, together with honest feedback loops, are critical.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Connectivities” custom_font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” custom_use_theme_fonts=”yes” use_custom_heading=”true”] Effectiveness arises not solely from optimising single parts, but from improving relationships amongst them. A careful (sometimes even “down”) scaling and matching of projects and initiatives, proper pacing and timing; or a rather low-cost elimination of bottlenecks in a different “dimensions of organisations” or other organisational parts; can help avoid negative feedback loops. These interventions are also way more economical in the long run. Quite often, less actually is more. This, however, requires a culture of shared understanding and mutuality.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Developments” custom_font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” custom_use_theme_fonts=”yes” use_custom_heading=”true”]Working off the project | the initiative is rarely sufficient. Developing permanent and long-term internal capabilities needs to take place simultaneously, rather rapidly, in an economical way and based on immediate needs. This is best done (a) project-based and (b) within the framework of a strategic and modular “curriculum” (for a mock-up see Academy. And in line with 2|, development work needs to explicitly help grow the abilities to explore, understand connectivity and interdependencies, and how to possibly deal with dynamics. This assures personal as well as organisational adaptability and is hence a key enabler of long-term resilience.[/vc_toggle]

I operate – and continue building – an Independent Service Boutique which focuses on integrating business | work model development with organisational development in a balanced, economical, and pragmatic way. Special attention is paid to global competencies in general and to capabilities when working with and in emerging | developing markets in specific. A passion of mine is the youth-elder nexus, merging generational diversity of capabilities and thereby enhancing enjoyment as well as productivity on both sides.

I do perform analysis work, support with consultancy, and accompany short-term projects and long-term initiatives in the various “dimensions of organisations” of strategy, organisation, culture, leadership + team development, innovation, and operational excellence. The overall approach is based on three reflections (1-3) and one principle (4):


Delivering results means effectively bridging the full 360° cycle from initial diagnosis to final delivery. Much good intent and strategic work fails in the execution phase. Reasonable investments into active “boundary spanning”, i.e. the thoughtful orchestration and alignment of resources across “silos”, together with honest feedback loops, are critical.

Unabhängige Service Boutique für Integrative Geschäfts- and Organizationsentwicklung; mit dem expliziten Ziel ökonomischer, gesellschaftlicher und ökologischer Nachhaltigkeit. Spezieller Fokus: Global Kompetenzen für Emerging und Developing  Markets.

Oui. On parle francais. Un peu lentement, c’est vrai; mais ca suffit pour fair une simple conversation and pour trouver la direction a l’airoport…


Trap Avoidance

Each phase|state got its challenges. One of them: How do we practively avoid becoming trapped in given organizational and business dynamic state… [4x Taps] Vagabond trap – Poverty trap – Rigidity trap – Dissolution trap | avoiding / escaping. Source: IASA












Building Resilience

Resilience: … Robustheit und Beweglichkeit | Robustness and Agility; “right-fit”



Trap Avoidance

Things are going well. We are getting better and better at what we are doing. Sure? Really?

Dealing with Traps

Each phase|state got its challenges. We need to be as efficient as possible. However: Is this enough for the long run? One of the challenges: proactive preparation for the next phase: How do we - now! - avoid becoming trapped in a given organizational and business dynamic state… There are four traps: Vagabond trap - Poverty trap - Rigidity trap - Dissolution trap | avoiding / escaping. Source: IASA


Thinking in ``Cycles``

Ability to think fluidly

Trap Avoidance: … Proactive Trap Avoidance… [4x] Vagabond trap – Poverty trap – Rigidity trap – Dissolution trap | avoiding / escaping


Thinking in ``Cycles``

Ability to think fluidly

Thinking “Cycles” : 4 phases | ability to Grow, Develop, Survive and Renew



Timing & Pacing

| Example Naim | Schweizer Bahn (brand eins Artikel): langsamer fahren – schneller ankommen.



Timing & Pacing

| Example Naim | Schweizer Bahn (brand eins Artikel): langsamer fahren – schneller ankommen.




9 Months to get a baby

Consider time needed for fundamental changes => no yo-yos; prepare for the long-run; keep cool


Thinking in ``Cycles``

Ability to think fluidly

Thinking “Cycles” : 4 phases | ability to Grow, Develop, Survive and Renew



... and Robustness

Resilience: … Robustheit und Beweglichkeit | Robustness and Agility; “right-fit”
Robustness:…  Combining efficiency and (!) redundancy


Thinking in ``Cycles``

Ability to think fluidly

Thinking “Cycles” : 4 phases | ability to Grow, Develop, Survive and Renew

[vc_text_separator title=”Separator with Text and Icon” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-bandcamp” border_width=”3″ add_icon=”true”][vc_text_separator title=”Separator with Text and Icons” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-handshake-o” color=”custom” add_icon=”true” accent_color=”#4f758b”][vc_separator]

= Separator with a single line



D01| Dance of Trends

Trends, Rythms and Overlaps

Dance of Trends.
Dance of Trends.
Dance of Trends
Dance of Trends.Dance of Trends


Organisational Orientation Framework. Strategy. Organisation. Culture. People. Innovation. Differentiation. Operational Excellence. Integration
Organisational Orientation Framework. Strategy. Organisation. Culture. People. Innovation. Differentiation. Operational Excellence. Integration

oof; organizational orientation framework; kovacic consulting; ferdinand a kovacic; strategy; organization; culture; people; connectiveness

Organisational Orientation Framework. Strategy. Organisation. Culture. People. Innovation. Differentiation. Operational Excellence. Integration

Single Image

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Video – YouTube

arte tv | ÄTHIOPIEN | deutsch

Video – YouTube

arte tv | CFA FRANC | french+english subtitles

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A platform connecting the two continents. We facilitate discussions on how Africa and Europe can shape a common future – secure, sustainable, transformative, unbiased and as a win-win situation for all involved.

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